Silatha: Mindfulness, Balance, Selflove Meditation Приложения

Silatha: Meditation to empower women be their best 4.38
Silatha just won the MEDITATION APP OF THE YEAR 2021 AWARD! Silathais the only meditation app deeply focused on women’s emotionalwell-being, through the unique technique of Anchor Meditation.Women go through big changes in life, such as pregnancy,Motherhood, facing inequality at work, the menopause to name a few.Silatha is a uniquely designed meditation app to help women reducestress and anxiety and cope with any challenges life may throw atyou. Using the Silatha anchor or another object to act as dailyreminder. "Created by women for women, this beautiful app will getyou grounded in no time, with inspirations, affirmations,meditations, intentions, that guide you through a 21-day plan"Women's Health Meditate with the Silatha meditation app for supportthrough all women’s life challenges like pregnancy, Motherhood, atwork, menopause, grief meditation. Pregnancy meditation Ourpregnancy meditation series by Tara Lee & Clare Daniels 2amazing women with vast experience in pregnancy meditation andpregnancy yoga. Pregnancy is a time of change, this meditationseries support you on an emotional and physical level, forheadspace and calm. During your pregnancy, finding calm and balancethrough meditation helps to reduce stress for yourself and thebaby. Meditate for some headspace, calm and to connect with yourbaby during pregnancy. For a mindfulness pregnancy. MotherhoodBeing a new mom comes with many challenges. However miraculous andbeautiful this journey may be, it can also bring a multitude ofemotions and sensations. The new mom meditation, support throughthese emotions to cope with the overwhelm, anxiety, worries,self-doubt, low mood, lack of identity, feeling irritable, sense ofshame and more. Grow mindfulness with mom meditation for mothers.Self-love meditation Meditate with this meditation series tocultivate more self-love and compassion for yourself and others. Weall need self-love on a daily basis. Self-love is acceptingyourself just as you are, that’s why self-love is important to growself-acceptance and self-esteem. Meditate with the SilathaSelf-love meditation series to develop more self-love andmindfulness during meditation. Grief meditation Our Grief mediationseries is created by the wonderful Zephyr Wildman who experiencedgrief herself when she lost her late husband and grief wasever-present. With the grief meditation series she helps to getthrough times of grief, by embracing the emotional heaviness ofgrief and moving through it with our grief meditation. Meditate toaccept grief. Menopause Many women experience physical andemotional symptoms during peri-menopause and menopause transition.The menopause is different for every woman and also the issues ofmenopause vary from one woman to another. With these meditationsfor menopause we aim to release the discomfort and support youthrough anxiety, hot flushes, mood swings, sleep better, let go ofpanic, boost your libido, and the discomfort you may experienceduring peri-menopause and menopause. At work Silatha aims tosupport you in your personal growth at the workplace and in yourfemale leadership. Growing self-confidence and focus, mindfulness,anxiety, strengthen to advocate for yourself, prevent from burnoutand grow a circle of support around you. You can meditate andcreate headspace with many more mindfulness meditation series,choose from Mindful Eating, Menopause, Post Natal Depression,Motherhood, Self-Love, Inner-Power, Confidence, Courage, Anxiety,Calming Sounds, Grief meditation, Anger management, Mindfulness,Pregnancy, perimenopause, check them out yourself. Stop breaththink and start meditating for more self-love, calm, reducedanxiety, pregnancy meditation, grief meditation, menopause,perimenopause, anxiety, sleep, anger management meditation,headspace, calm and mindfulness in your life.
Silatha: Women's Wellbeing 4.45
Menopause, parenthood, Fertility, PMS, Endometriosis, PCOS,Pregnancy loss, etc